We will be closing at 7pm next Wednesday, March 26th for a private event
We will be closing at 7pm next Wednesday, March 26th for a private event
"Corvallis Climbers of Color (CCOC) is an organization rooted in creating access and community within climbing and the outdoors for BIPOC in Corvallis and PNW. Our focus is giving folks the opportunity to access climbing by reducing the social and economic barriers folks may face. We know gyms are expensive or hard to access, the gear is expensive, and the spaces are often cis-white dominated, which can be uncomfortable/intimidating to be in. The goal of CCOC is to create an atmosphere that is more inclusive and supportive for people of color, that allows folks to take up space and just be together and have a sweet time. We emphasize welcoming new climbers to the community and sport, no climbing experience is required!" -- Sam.K., Founder of CCOC
Join Corvallis Climbers of Color for their monthly Affinity Climb Night, held every 4th Wednesday from 7-10pm at the Valley Rock Gym! This night is for those who are members of Corvallis Climbers of Color, from the experienced climber to those who’ve never climbed before. The goal of these climb nights is to meet new friends, show up for each other, learn new things, and lift each other up in an inclusive and supportive environment. To keep up with CCOC, follow them on Instagram and if you’re BIPOC, you can become a member of their group and join their facebook group to find community and get involved. You can email them at corvallisclimbersofcolor@gmail.com to learn more.
Every 4th Wednesday, we rent our facility to Corvallis Climbers of Color from 7-10pm. This Private Event, CCOC Affinity Night, is held for those who are members of Corvallis Climbers of Color. We thank everyone for adjusting their climbing schedules to help support the creation of this affinity space.
Every 4th Wednesday 7-10pm
Valley Rock Gym
401 SW Jefferson Ave
Corvallis, OR 97333
The day pass is $5 including entrance and gear rentals.
1) Create an account through approach using the below link
2) Create a profile and add any dependents to your household
3) Sign waivers for you and all dependents under 18 years of age.
Please reach us at info@valleyrockgym.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
An affinity group is a designated “safe space,” where everyone in that group shares a particular identity. This identity can be based on race, gender, sexual orientation, language, nationality, physical/mental ability, socio-economic class, family structure, religion, etc. Affinity groups can be a place for underrepresented people in a community to come together to feel less isolated and more connected.
The CCOC Affinity Night is held every 4th Wednesday and we rent out our space to Corvallis Climbers of Color to create a safe space for those who are members of their group! Carving out a space where people can gather with others who look like them and share similar backgrounds can foster a sense of safety and belonging.
Only people who identify with that particular group can be a part of it. This is so that affinity group members can safely express their experiences without having to worry about others not understanding their experience because they are of another identity.
In order to become a member of CCOC, one must fill out a survey form and sign the group agreement.
Affinity groups are intended to bring people together over a commonality. We all benefit from interactions with people who share common identities or experiences. When you are in the numerical minority of a community, these bonding interactions may only occur during an affinity group. Affinity groups are only “exclusive” in order to create a safe space for people who may not feel safe in the larger community because they are in the numerical minority. During affinity climb nights, people can share freely and without inhibition about their experiences. This may make them feel more visible and more included in our community and in doing so, enhance our community's overall commitment to inclusivity.
Affinity groups are one aspect of creating a diverse and socially just world. They create the safe space needed for people to build strength and pride. But equally as important are the collaborative efforts between different groups of people towards creating equity for all. Allies are people who do not identify with a certain affinity group, but want to support the equal rights of people from that group. Ally work and affinity work are both important aspects of creating social equity.
Events like the CCOC Affinity Climb Night are key to diversifying the climbing community in Corvallis, in the greater PNW and in the US as a whole. Climbing, like many other outdoor activities, is not representative of the demographics of our country as a whole. According to the US census, around 40% of Americans—with the numbers rapidly growing—are nonwhite or hispanic. Yet nearly 90% of climbers are white according to the American Alpine Club’s State of Climbing report. From this, it is evident climbing and other outdoor activities do not reflect the racial diversity of the US.
By being advocates for diversity in the outdoors, we can contribute to creating a world where people of all backgrounds and walks of life have both access and opportunity to experience the power, beauty, and community that climbing has to offer.
Valley Rock Gym
401 Southwest Jefferson Avenue, Corvallis, Oregon 97333
For youth ages 4-14, we offer experiential learning that aims to create a love of movement, solid climbing skills and enough comfort, community and fun that youth can take on the challenges and joys that climbing (and life!) offers. Our 8 week programs start April 6th!