We will be closing at 7pm next Wednesday, March 26th for a private event
We will be closing at 7pm next Wednesday, March 26th for a private event
We are excited to announce our 4th annual community bouldering competition, Rally in the Valley, sponsored by ZIG ZAG climbing!
This competition is all about celebrating your own climbing journey as well as the coming together of our incredible community.
The event features a day of modified redpoint-style climbing for climbers of all abilities, followed by a spectator-friendly onsight finals in the evening. Prizes will be awarded to the top three competitors in each category.
Registration will open Friday February 28th at 5pm
FREE RITV T-shirt for those who sign up by April 13th
This will be an all-ages competition geared towards all skill levels! We will have the following divisions.
Each division will have 3 gender categories: Women, Men and Nonbinary and each category will cap at 30 participants.
Youth (ages 14 & under)
Recreational (V0 to V3)
Intermediate (V4 to V6)
Open (V7+)
Masters (ages 40 and over)
If our staff/ judges feel as though you have ‘sandbagged’ your division entry (entered in an easier division than you consistently climb), we may bump you into a harder category. We will never bump anyone down to an easier category if a competitor chooses to challenge themselves at a higher division.
Please reach us at info@valleyrockgym.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Our competition format will be run with a Modified Redpoint format. This means that each division will have 8 boulders set specifically for their skill level and division. Climbers will have 2.5 hours to try to get to the top of as many boulders as they can! No boulder will be worth more points than any other, so climbers are encouraged to try to send as many of their boulders as possible in as few attempts as possible.
In the Modified Redpoint format, the climbers with the most number of tops will win. However, in the case that climbers are tied for number of tops, climbers will then be separated by ‘Zones’. A Zone is a sort of checkpoint, or halfway point, in the climb that will also be scored. When climbers reach the marked Zone hold, and control it, they will be awarded the Zone. If two climbers have the same number of Tops, the climber with the most Zones will be the winner. If two or more climbers are tied for zones as well, ties will be broken by determining which climber made it to the top of their boulders in the least amount of attempts.
1. Each category is allocated two and a half hours of open competition climbing — each division will have 8 boulders set specifically for them on various different climbing terrain.
2. Competitors will have unlimited attempts to top each boulder, however, attempts will be used to break ties in the event that climbers have an equal number of ‘Tops’ and ‘Zones’ on their scorecard.
3. A climber’s score is calculated by first determining the number of boulders they topped, then the number of boulders that they controlled the zone hold on, and finally by determining the number of attempts that were taken to reach the top of each boulder.
4. To redpoint a route, climbers must: begin by establishing their bodies on the route’s starting position (lift their entire body off the ground--including both feet--with their hands established on only the taped start holds); use only the holds with the route’s established hold color; finish the route by establishing and matching the finish hold marked ‘Top’
5. When a climber uses a hold that is not included in the problem they will be called down and the attempt will count as a fall.
6. Climbers may touch only start holds from the ground--no other climbing holds may be touched from the ground.
7. Climbers can brush holds with their personal brushes or VRG’s stick brushes.
8. Aretes, corners, and wall features such as volumes are always on for hands and feet, unless otherwise marked with black tape.
9. No giving suggestions/advice (“beta”) while a climber is on the wall. Beta is only allowed to be discussed on the ground.
10. If a technical problem occurs (e.g. hold spins or breaks) competitors may return to the ground immediately to retry without the attempt being scored.
Valley Rock Gym
401 Southwest Jefferson Avenue, Corvallis, Oregon 97333
For youth ages 4-14, we offer experiential learning that aims to create a love of movement, solid climbing skills and enough comfort, community and fun that youth can take on the challenges and joys that climbing (and life!) offers. Our 8 week programs start April 6th!